My Cat Has Worms How Do I Clean My House ? 9 Important Things To Remember
Olivia Moore |
Last updated: Nov 9 2022

My cat has worms how do I clean my house? Like other cat owners are you worried about what to do and how to clean your house?
No matter how hard you try to protect your cat from parasites, almost every cat has some form of parasitic infection in their lives. Worms are internal parasites and are very common in cats. These pesky parasites are more likely to be picked up when your cat is roaming outside.
But you don’t need to worry as there are proper treatments for worm infestation; its effects can be very nasty. Moreover, most internal parasites are not serious to healthy, but they do need to be treated promptly.
Cats with worms are also likely to develop irritation in their sensitive hindquarters, which may result in making them drag on the floor. Also, your pet is more likely to experience episodes of diarrhea and vomiting. As a consequence of which, your trained cat can miss their litter box.
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My Cat Has Worms, How Do I Clean My House?
Cleaning your house when your cat has worms can be a difficult task. The long-lasting odors and the stains can be hard to get rid of.
To clean up your cat's litter, you can use paper towels or newspapers (or any magazine paper or notebook paper). To remove the stain, rinse the stained area with the help of detergent with hot water. Try to scrub away soiling as much as possible, blotting with towels. You can also use any good company cleaner to remove stains and eliminate unpleasant odors.
9 Things To Remember For Cleaning of Your House After a Worm Infestation
Cleaning your house after your cat has worms is a thorough job. Your cat may be vomiting or have diarrhea, which can make a huge mess around your house. Furthermore, if the worms and their eggs are not removed from the floor or carpet of the house, worm infections can grow again easily.
Below are some factors that will provide you with step-by-step guidance on keeping your cat and house worm free.
1 Deworm Your Cat:
Before you start cleaning your house to make it worm-free first, you need to deworm your cat. Deworming of the cat depends upon the type of worm that has infected your cat.
Four types of worms can infect your healthy cat. Roundworms, Tapeworms, Hookworms, and Heartworms are different worms that can affect your cat, and the deworming medication for each is separate. For this purpose, you should take your pet to the vet so that they can best suggest the treatment plan and prescriptions after checking your pet.

2 Use of Protective Equipment:
The use of Protective equipment while dealing with worms is a vital step. What if you accidentally swallow any worm egg? It can be as infectious to humans as to your cat. So it would help if you put on protective protection; for instance, you can wear a face mask, gloves, and rubber boots to protect yourself from infection.

3 Clean Your Cat Litter Tray:
After your cat has been dewormed, you should start the cleaning process from your cat litter box. The cat litter box might be a house for worms where many eggs are ingested. You should also use a disinfectant after cleaning the cat waste, and make sure to use gloves while cleaning your cat's waste.

4 Cleaning of Other Accidents:
Vomiting and diarrhea are the two most common symptoms of an infected cat; try to clean up these accidents as soon as possible. But in severe infestations, you might also find the worms in vomit; handle them with care. Use a paper towel or tissue paper to wipe it up.
Use a mixture of hot boiling water with any detergent to wash the floor, followed by a disinfectant spray for bacterial removal. Also, you can use an enzymatic cleaner to break down the odorous molecules leaving a good smell behind.

5 Deep Cleaning of Carpets:
After the worm infestation, cleaning your carpet is one of the most important tasks you must do as worms and their eggs can be on the carpet in many ways. For instance, your cat might bring contaminated soil or waste from outside, and that's how the worms get deposited on the carpet.
Use the heat to clean your carpet; start by vacuuming the carpet, and then use a steam cleaner. Repeating the process after regular intervals will remove any worms and clean your house.

6 Wipe All Hard Surfaces:
When cleaning the waste of your feline from the surfaces, pay extra attention to the crevices and ridges. Worms struggle to stay alive; they likely assemble and manage to survive in edges or corners.
So after cleaning the surface where your kitty has vomited or pooped, use a mixture of boiling water and some bleach to kill any remaining worms.

7 Wash Soft Furnishing:
The pesky parasites not only survive on carpet but can also grow on other soft materials like bedding, toys, blankets, and pet beds. The cat's fur might be a source of the worm's transmission.
Take off all the soft furnishing your cat has been in contact with and wash them with a hot cycle to ensure that all the eggs die. Don't forget to clean the larger fabrics in your houses like the couch, sofa, or armchair using a steam cleaner. Steam cleaner supplies heat that is much needed to kill the worm's eggs.

8 Clean Outside Area:
Cleaning the house's outside area is equally important as the inside. To do that, you can use boiling water and pour some bleach into it. Now spray this mixture all over your concrete patio to kill the worms.
If your cat defecates in your garden, ensure that you clean the waste from there too. In small infected areas, you can also remove the top layer of soil, where there is a chance of the presence of the majority of eggs and their worms.

9 Disinfect the tools used:
After you have gone through the whole process of cleaning, now it's your turn to disinfect all the tools being used. It would be best if you cleaned the steam cleaner, boots, gloves, vacuum cleaner, or any other thing you used when removing the worms and their eggs.
To disinfect, we can wipe all the tools with boiling water using a paper towel. Or try to use disposable gloves, aprons, clothes, and more this will make the cleaning process easier and ensure that no worms remain in your house.

Cleaning your house thoroughly when your cat has worms is important to prevent re-infection. You should remove any feces or vomit that your cat may have left around the house and clean all the hard surfaces in your home. If you have carpeted areas, you should wash them as well as vacuuming them completely before shampooing them as usual. Steam cleaning is also an efficient way to kill germs, bacteria, and parasites. It's important to remove the source of the worm eggs to reduce the chances that your cat will get reinfected. Cleaning the litter box every day and immediately after your cat has pooped is also important.
Written by
Olivia Moore
Olivia is a freelance writer and pet enthusiast who writes articles on animals to help owners and their pets live their life in the best way. She resides in Australia and is currently doing her master’s degree in wildlife biology. Besides her studies, she has found a new love for working online and writing about animals. She is passionate about creating awareness about pets. Her mission is to write content on their health issues and the best ways to make their pets content. She loves to write about animals of all types but her specialties are dogs, cats, and birds.