Do Birds Really Eat Spiders? 8 Birds That Eat Spiders


Have you ever seen a bird catching and eating a spider? Do birds really eat spiders?
These questions have puzzled people for years. Some say that birds eat spiders to help control the population of spiders. In contrast, others believe that birds simply eat spiders as part of their regular diet. So what is the truth about bird diets?
Well, I’m here to set the record straight. Let’s look at birds’ diets and whether or not they eat spiders.

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What Do Birds Eat? Do Birds Really Eat Spiders?

Before discussing the topic, it's important to understand that no two bird diets are alike. Birds can be carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores, and their diets vary depending on the species of bird. For example, some birds eat mostly insects. In contrast, others eat various things, including seeds, fruit, and even small animals. That tells us that birds do commonly eat spiders. Many bird species eat spiders, including robins, wrens, bluebirds, and warblers. 

Why Do Birds Eat Spiders?

The reasoning behind it may vary depending on the bird species; there are a few reasons why birds might eat spiders.
First, birds may eat spiders to help control the population of spiders. Spiders can be pesky pests, and birds may see them as a food source that helps keep the population under control.
Second, birds may eat spiders as part of their regular diet. Some bird species enjoy eating spiders, making up a small part of their diet.

The Truth About Bird Diet

Many foods that seem none-too-appealing to humans are consumed by birds: beetles, flies, spiders, earthworms, rotting fish, offal, poison oak berries, weed seeds, and so on.
It is no more astonishing that birds are a significant threat to spiders, except perhaps the extremely large spiders, such as tarantulas. Some common birds of the U.S., i.e., robins and wrens, make meals from spiders.

8 Birds that Eat Spiders

Many other species of birds consume spiders, but the ones listed below are the most common.

1 Wren: 

Wren is a small bird found throughout North America. These birds are known for their aggressive behavior and are not afraid to attack larger spiders.

2 Bluebird: 

The bluebird is a small North American bird known for its beautiful blue color. These birds eat as part of their regular diet.

3 Robin: 

Robin is a common North American bird known for its reddish-brown color.

4 Blackbird: 

Blackbird is a common European bird known for its black color. 

5 Sparrow: 

The sparrow is a small North American bird known for its brown color. 

6 Barn swallows: 

The barn swallow is a common North American bird known for its brown and white color. 

7 Blue Tits: 

The blue tits are a small European bird known for its bright blue color. 

8 Crows: 

The crow is a large North American bird known for its black color. 
These birds are famous for their love of spiders, and they will eat spiders of all sizes. These birds use their sharp beaks and talons to catch and eat spiders and other small animals. 

What Types of Spider Do Birds eat?

Birds will eat both live and dead spiders, although they prefer to consume the live ones. They aren't picky about which ones they eat; It's mostly determined by the species of spiders that are common in their region. And what is small enough to capture.
Some of the common Spiders birds eat are:
Jumping spiders Giant House Spider American House Spider Daddy long-legs spider or Cellar spider Sector Spider Long-Bodied Cellar Spider Brown Recluse

How Do Birds Eat Spiders?

Birds catch spiders in many different ways. Some birds will fly down, grab the spider in their beaks, and swallow them whole. They don't typically chew on the spiders since they're hard to digest. 
Some birds even hunt spiders on the ground and also eat spiders that are already dead. 
Some birds perch on a tree and watch for spiders to cross their path, while others snatch them from webs. 
Spiders are an important part of the bird's diet, and you're likely to see birds eating them in your backyard or local park. 


Do Birds Eat Joro Spiders?

Yes, some birds eat Joro spiders. These include the Northern Shrike, the Australian Magpie, and the butcherbird. 

Do Birds Eat Tarantulas?

No, tarantulas are too large for most birds to consume. They may attack a tarantula if it's close enough, but they won't eat them.

Do Birds Eat Orb Spiders?

Birds will eat all types of spiders, both garden spiders and orb spiders. Garden spiders are typically larger, so the birds usually go for the smaller orb spiders. However, they eat whatever is available.

Do Birds Eat Tarantulas?

No, tarantulas are too large for most birds to consume. They may attack a tarantula if it's close enough, but they won't eat them.

Do Birds Eat Orb Spiders?

Birds will eat all types of spiders, both garden spiders and orb spiders. Garden spiders are typically larger, so the birds usually go for the smaller orb spiders. However, they eat whatever is available.

Do Birds Eat Wolf Spiders?

Wolf spiders are too large for most birds to consume. They may attack a wolf spider if it's within range, but they won't eat them.

Do Birds Eat Banana Spiders?

Some birds, such as the Australian Magpie, will eat banana spiders. They are one of the larger types of spiders that birds will consume.

Do Birds Eat Crab Spiders?

Crab spiders are too small for most birds to consume. They will eat them if they catch them but prefer larger prey.

Do Birds Eat Black Widow Spiders?

Black widow spiders are too large for most birds to consume. They may attack a black widow spider but will not consume it.

Do Birds Eat Poisonous Spiders?

While birds may eat poisonous spiders to humans, they will not consume them if they are poisonous to the birds. For example, the black widow spider is poisonous to both humans and birds, but the bird won't eat the spider if it's poisonous to them. The same goes for any other poisonous spider.

Do Birds Eat Garden Spiders?

Yes, some birds eat garden spiders. These include the Northern Shrike, the Australian Magpie, and the butcherbird. 
Do you have any questions about bird diet or spiders? Let us know in the comments below!

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